101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

We identify Jesus as our Lord by the personal things he has done
in our lives, by the intimate words he has whispered, by the quiet
miracles and the answered prayer. We can experience these things
only when we have a genuine relationship with him. When we look
at where we used to be and where we are today because of his mercy,
that is when we are able to say, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28).
To know Jesus as our Savior is to understand that he has saved us
from our sin by his shed blood.
To know him as our Shepherd is to have experienced his guidance
in our confusion.
To know him as our Rock and our Fortress is to know him as the
one who saves us in battle and hides us from the storm.
To know him as our Friend is to have experienced his comfort in
the midst of our loneliness.
Jesus is waiting to reveal himself to you as all of these things. He
wants to be real and profoundly personal to you. Seek him in quiet
times of prayer. Speak to him. Reveal your places of pain. Listen for
his inner promptings. Read his Word. Let him work in your life.
And in time you will be able to say to him with joy and confi-
dence as Nathanael did, “You are the Son of God; you are the King
of Israel.” But more than that, you will be able to say, “You are my
Savior and my Friend.”

Jesus, I have seen the face of your mercy. You are my Savior and my
Friend. Lead me ever deeper into this life of faith. Amen.


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