101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

21. Becoming His Glory


My plea is not for the world but for those you have given me...they
are my glory.
John 17:9–10 (author’s paraphrase)


HEwords of John 17 provide an opportunity to eavesdrop on a
song that Jesus was singing to his Father—a love song of unity.
“You and I are one, Father,” he sang. “All I possess is what you
possess. The ones I love are the ones you love—these men and
women and children who love you and honor you and live their
lives for you. These are my glory.”
My brother-in-law Curt is a Christian writer and actor. Curt and
his friend Geoff Koehler wrote a dramatic piece entitled When I Died
Last Tuesdayabout beingGod’s glory. In it a famed theologian has
died and is seated in heaven’s outer office. There he is informed that
he will be reading the best of his twenty-two scholarly works to Jesus
and a roomful of the world’s most acclaimed theologians.
The titles of his books roll over in his mind. Which one will Jesus
Finally he is ushered into what looks like a playroom. There,

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