Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

a. She can reject your proposal by saying something like, "I'm
busy" or "I'm working that night". If this happens, then she's not into
you, and you're going to have to go back and work on being more
conversationally attractive.

b. She’ll accept by saying something like, "Sure" or "Yeah, that
sounds great". If this happens, move on to step 6.

c. She'll reschedule by saying something like, "I'm working that
night, but I'm free Friday." This is a good thing – people will go out of
their way to hang out with people they're interested in, and you've just
proven to yourself that you're interesting to her. The only problem that
pops up here is that she might pick a day that you're not free. Don't worry
about it; just work it out to find a day that you're both available.

  1. Exchanging Numbers:

Now that she's agreed to go on a date with you, and you have the
date and place picked say, "Great, lets exchange information, and I'll text
you the night before with the details." Give her your number and get

  1. Stick Around:

Once she gives you her number, don't just leave. You don't want it to
feel like the whole reason you were there was to get her phone number.
Hang out, keep the conversation going, leave when it comes to a natural
end, and contact her like you said you would in the previous step.

  1. Text her when you said you would

The next step is pretty simple. If you were going to text her the night
before your planned date with the details then, do exactly that.

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