Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

Even though it seems easy, interestingly, one of the most difficult
changes I've had to ask my students to make were ones that had to do
with appearance. Suggesting they try on a pair of pants, shirt or jacket
was met with hesitation instead of eagerness to improve. Some guys
don't feel confident enough to wear something different than what they
are used to, while others don't want to spend money on clothes.

Appearance is important. Even if you go for a grungy look, it has
to have style. Women pay attention to those things. And your clothes say
a lot about you than you think. Clothes offer you a way to strategically
express yourself.

Work on your hygiene. Even if you are already super shaven and
clean, we can all improve the ways we take care of our bodies. This
means dealing with body hair, skin problems, odor, and general

  • Brush and floss your teeth to avoid any bad breath – it's a
    complete turn-off when kissing. Keep them as white as you can.

  • See what you can do about fixing any problems with your skin.

  • Keep your body hair groomed – I'm not just talking about beards
    and moustaches; I'm talking about eyebrows, chest, back, and

  • Experiment with your hair. (If your job allows for that.)

  • Wear deodorant, and possibly – very little – cologne.

Work on your voice. You're going to be using it all the time if
you're learning the art of attraction and seduction. A vocal coach can not
only help you fixing any problems you might have with your voice but
also learn how to project a deep, strong voice in a loud environment.

One of our coaches is a voice speech pathologist and works with our
students on fixing many vocal problems that they didn't even know they

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