Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

  • What do these clothes say about you?

  • What do other people (friends and family) think about your style?

  • How would you like to dress?

  • What impression would like to make on a woman you just met?

  • What kind of clothes give off that impression?

Work on your health and your body. The better you can make
yourself look, the more people will trust you. That sounds crazy and
shallow, but it's scientifically accurate. It's important to work on your
physical self. You'll have more energy and become more confident.
Getting physically fit is also a matter of consistency. Can you keep
yourself on a healthy diet? Can you keep yourself on a regular work out
regime? If you can, then you can become more fit.

Masculinity and Attraction

One question that students often have for me is, “How do I become
more of an alpha male?” Which really means, “How do I act more like
what I’ve been heard or taught it means to be a man?”

Here’s the thing: History is full of seducers that fell on the feminine
and masculine end of the spectrum, and everywhere in-between. As
you’ve read in previous chapters - there is no single identity that is
seductive to everyone.

To master the art of attraction and seduction, you must find the
correct balance of masculinity and femininity that is required to
seduce the person or people you are interacting with.

For example, if you’re a naturally big masculine looking guy,
include some identity stories that add some femininity to your identity. If
you’re a feminine looking guy, play it up, add some flare to your
wardrobe. This will keep you under the radar. Then through words and
actions show the people a more masculine side. There are an infinite

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