Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 2 3:

Creating a Seductive Atmosphere

"A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind
as well as the body." - Benjamin Franklin

Eventually, you're going to be bringing women back to your home.
That means you should spend some time thinking about how to set up
your place and make it a seductive and attractive atmosphere. Your
home, like your clothing, is an extension of your identity. That means
your home says something about you to anyone who enters it.

When you are thinking about setting up a seductive atmosphere for
your home start by paying attention to all five senses: What does it look
like? What does it smell like? What kinds of food and drink do you have
to share? How does it feel to be in your home? What kinds of music or
sounds do you share in your home?

Here is a checklist of details for you:

 What exactly do you have in your house and what does it say about
you? The key is to have it stuffed with conversation starters.
Pictures, objects or art that makes her curious enough to ask you
about it. That way it will give you an opportunity to shine. Don't put
anything on your walls or on a visible shelf that you can’t talk about
with an identity story. Pieces of art, books, posters, photographs and
everything else should have a story that reveals something about you.
 Lighting is more important than the size of the room. Light creates
atmosphere. Is your lighting sexy or oppressive? If you have bright
florescent light, it's not sexy. You can install spotlights that highlight
your conversation-starter items, dimmer switches to control
brightness or simply use lamps to give the atmosphere a more
comfortable look.

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