Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

had a crazy story for. The rooms also had different lighting, which
brought a different feel to each of them. His kitchen had all sorts of
unique and exciting types of liquor to drink; stuff most people haven't
even heard of. Guests at the party spent hours just wandering around
checking out his amazing home, begging to come back for another party.
He was the most interesting guy in every room, because every room had
a little bit of his personality in it.

When women first started coming back to my place after a date, I
always had trouble getting close to them unless we'd already been
physical. I came up with this little technique I call "The Smooth Move"
to help me get closer to women without being overly obvious.

  • Start with some cut up fruits and veggies on a plate. (Have this ready
    before you even go on the date.)

  • When she comes over, let her find a place to sit.

  • Once she finds a place to sit, you’re going to find somewhere else in
    the room to relax. Somewhere near her, but preferably not on the
    couch with her.

  • Let her get comfortable on your couch while you talk for a while, or
    throw on a movie.

  • A few minutes into conversation or the movie say, "I'm going to grab
    us some snacks."

  • Grab the prepared plate of food.

  • When you come in the room with the plate, sit next to her, so you
    can share the food – but also, so you can sit next to her!

It's a smooth transition that allows you to get physically close to her
without being obvious. Remember, this is only really necessary if you
haven't been physical with her already. That said, if you've made it back
to your place, and you need a way to get close to her, this is a great

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