Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 24 :

Adventure Dating

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing.”

  • Helen Keller

I have five rules for dating. They're easy to remember, and can
radically change your dating life, but before we get to the rules let's take
a look at one thing that most guys don't remember.

If a woman shows up for a date then you've done well! She didn’t
have to come. She made a choice to be with you that night. Have
confidence that she likes you, and is at least contemplating something
romantic. All you have to do is keep it from being an average date.

What's an average date? Well, it's something like taking a girl to a
restaurant sitting behind a table and asking her interview questions all
night long. You buy the dinner and the drinks, and maybe walk her back
to her place. You wait until the last moment before making a move and
likely get rejected. Nothing exciting, nothing exceptional.

The seducer goes on adventures. Adventures can be wild, exotic,
intriguing, and thoughtful. I want you to learn how to go on adventures
with women; not dates. You and she are characters in a story and that
story is exciting.

These six rules will help you turn dates into adventures and minimize
possible mistakes:

RULE #1: Present Your Best Authentic Identity

Whatever venue you take your date should be a place that allows you
to express your identity. In other words, the location you pick should
allow you to easily bring up identity stories and share yourself.

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