Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 7 :

Step #1: The Secret of the Opening Line

"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the
beginning of love." - Mother Teresa

Over the years, I’ve heard one consistent complaint that bring
students to me: “I don’t have the confidence to approach strangers, let
alone beautiful women, because I just don’t know what to say.”

I understand. It was tough for me to learn how to walk up and talk to
complete strangers; to make the cold approach. However, it needs to be
done, because it’s what will give you real choice. It’s what will give you
the ability to say, “I want to talk to that person,” and then actually do it.

One of my fellow coaches reminisced with me about one of his first
cold approaches: "I saw this girl on the subway. She was standing right
near me. I looked at her knowing I was going to have to approach her.
This is why I was doing it right? To approach the people I want to be
able to talk to, I looked at her again ready to make my move, but I
couldn’t move. My feet felt like they were cemented into the ground.
My heart was beating faster, and I felt like I had tunnel vision. I couldn’t
do it."

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