Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Tips for bridging:

 Keep the bridges non-physical when you're first learning this
skill. Observations about body language are great, but one's
about her attractiveness will come off as hitting on her. Don't do
 One of the best bridges to use after the opener is: "How do you
all know each other?" It gives you valuable information about
the dynamics of the group you're speaking with.
 Bridges are used throughout an interaction, not just after the
opener. Anytime you need to move the conversation forward or
steer it, a bridge can be applied.
 Bridges are great for leading to conversations where you can
express who you are to the other person. If you are a musician
and want to talk about music, make an observation about the
music in the venue. If you love your job and want to talk about a
work related story ask, "Do you all work together?" Get their
answers and tell your story.
 For guys who feel like they always run out of stuff to say, try
using a bridge when you hit that mental block. Make any
observation or ask any question, then see where the conversation


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