Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 11 :

Key 2: Be Fascinating and Stay Authentic: The "Identity

Storytelling" Technique

"Character may almost be called the most effective means of
persuasion. " - Aristotle

Every great seducer is a storyteller in some fashion – they use stories
to express identity and take people on emotional journeys.

So, what is identity? Why's that important?

There are countless philosophers who've written about identity and
all the ways to interpret it.

For our purposes, let's think of it like this: Everything you say or do
in tells the person or people you’re interacting with something about you

  • what you wear, how you look, and what you say – all of it matters.

It's like handing each person you meet puzzle pieces that they put
together in their heads. The end result is a picture of who they
individually think you are. In other words, they make judgments based
on the pieces you give them and then they categorize you. Each category
comes with its own judgments based on that person’s experiences.

Every person takes these shortcuts. The human brain is programmed
to categorize new information; to make judgments so it can understand
the world quickly. Your brain does it too. If it didn't do that, you'd
experience complete and utter chaos, every single day.

Here’s something almost every guy does wrong: When an average
man meets a new woman he is just tossing puzzle pieces to her without

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