Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

“You guys should come meet some of my friends.” I motion towards
my crew. “We’re out celebrating my roommate’s birthday.”

“Maybe we’ll catch up with you later,” said Alex. I believe Alex had
begun to feel threatened by me. However, when I left the group, two of
the other guys came with me.

I introduced her group of friends to mine. She came along, and
joined the group. At this point I was sure she wanted me to say
something to her. So, I did.

“I love this gold lace in your dress pattern.” I touched her dress
material and nodded approvingly. “It works well with the gold jewelry.”

“Thank you!” she said. “I’m trying to step up my wardrobe.” She
reaches over to a pin on my lapel. “Is that a lion?”

“Of course,” I said, then I went into an Identity Story about
leadership and how I think it’s important to convey a sense of self with
your style, which she said she found fascinating. It opened up endless
conversational threads.

As we spoke I noticed an open bar stool, so I continued talking to her
while leading her to the stool. I sat down with open body language. As I
talked, she pressed herself between my legs.

At this point, I started seeding like crazy. I told Identity Stories and
seeded until she couldn’t take it anymore. She could not withstand the
"Stringer Seeding Frenzy." She pulled out her phone and number closed

Note: More on seeding in the chapter Seeding: The most efficient
way to get a date

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