Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

known as banter and flirting, is a technique that is used to create
emotional spikes.

Here is an example of active disinterest:

Smile and say teasingly: "If you were just one inch taller, you'd be
so my type."

This spikes an emotion in a playful way: On one hand, you are
telling her that she is not your type. So she'll wonder, "Is he hitting on me
or not?"

Another example: After she teases you, or says something self
deprecating, you can say: "Note to self: Don't date this girl."
Again, you are actively telling her that you don't want to date her. By
doing so you also admit that it was a possibility until now.

"You are hired!" when she says something you approve of.

"You're so fired." when she challenges you.

Your delivery is deadpan with a smirk

Why It Works: Even though she's not your employee and you're not
her boss, it subtly sets a frame of higher status; you're the boss and you're
leading the interaction and get to make these decisions. She’ll know that
you're joking around. You've just fired her. That's a playful rejection.
She's going to want to work toward reversing that rejection, if she’s sees
value in you.

If she touches you early in the interaction: "Hey now, hands off the

Say it playfully and with a smile.
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