Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

to feel it all the time. Everything in the world moves in cycles.
Night follows day, the tide moves out and then in, what goes
up eventually comes down. Likewise, when the heart opens
it also closes. The commitment of marriage helps us each time
to open our hearts once again.
Each time we act and react in a manner that will keep this
commitment of the soul, we once again open our hearts and
align ourselves with our highest purpose.


The desire to share our lives with someone is the expression
of our soul. In practical terms, it is our soul remembering its
highest purpose. By making a commitment to fulfill that pur-
pose, we align ourselves with the power within us to be suc-
cessful not only in our marriage but in our lives as well.

When we can make decisions from an open
heart, then we are able to create a better life.

In spiritual terms, the desire to be married is our soul remem-
bering the sacred promise we are here to keep. It is God’s will
within us being felt. When we fully commit ourselves to
keeping that promise we align ourselves with God’s will.
All of the pieces in our lives begin to fit together when our
hearts are open. By keeping our promise to love and cherish
our partner above all else, we are able to open our hearts again
and again. By making sure we keep our soul’s promise, we are
able to bring the spiritual into the material world. When we
live in love, we bring the kingdom of heaven on earth.

128 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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