Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


I wonder what I would like to
do. I really don’t care. I’ll wait
and ask her; anything is fine
with me.

I wonder what she would like
to do. Maybe I should look in
the paper to see what’s happen-
ing next week.
I wonder how I feel about her.
I’m not sure if I should call
her. I’ll wait and see how I feel

I wonder what she is feeling
about me. I hope I made a
good impression. Let’s see,
what else can I think of to do?
I wonder if she is going to be
good tonight. She looked great
the other night. Let’s see, what
would I like to do? I am going
to have a great time.

I wonder how I could impress
her. Let’s make a plan. First we
should have dinner and then
have plenty of time to get to
the movies by eight. She will
have a great time.
I wonder if she wants to kiss
me. I sure hope she does. I’ll
bet she would be real good.

I wonder when I should make
my move and kiss her. I don’t
want to seem too forward. Re-
member, go slowly. She seems
to like me too. Well, it’s now
or never.

In reviewing the above table it also becomes clear that when
a man is actively interested, he tends to be much more action-
oriented, masculine, and directed. These qualities tend to make
him much more attractive to women. While there is nothing
wrong with being receptively interested, it just doesn’t make
a man irresistible to women. As we will see in the next table,
it is receptive interest that makes a woman most attractive to
a man.

190 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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