Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


I wonder if I am interested in
him. He seems interesting. I
think I would like to get to
know him.

I wonder if he would be inter-
ested in me. What should I do?
How should I be with him?

I wonder if I would like to get
to know him. He seems inter-
esting. I can make some time
for him.

I wonder if he likes me. How
should I approach him? I’ll bet
I could entice him.

I wonder what he could offer
me. He’s cute. I certainly
would like to find out.

I wonder what I could offer
him. I’ll bet I could really help
him. He needs me.

I wonder if he is good enough
for me. I do like him. He does
really want to spend time with
me. Maybe he is the right guy.

I wonder if I am good enough
for him. I’ll bet I could really
please him; maybe then he
would want me.

I wonder how I could make it
easy for him to meet me. I like
him. I’ll occasionally look his
way so he can catch my eyes
looking at him.

I wonder how I could get to
meet him. How should I get
his attention? What should I
ask him? Okay, I’ll compli-
ment him and then ask him a

I wonder if I would want to go
out with him. I think he’s inter-
esting. Maybe I should let him
have my number. He is
charming. If he doesn’t ask, I’ll
give him my number, in case
he wants to give me a call.

I wonder if he will ask me out.
Well, he is a catch, and I am
not letting him get away. I am
going to get his number and
give him a call. We could be
right for each other.

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