Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


(Best to Give Women)


(Best to Give Men)
I have had such a delightfulYou are truly delightful.
You are such a pleasure to

I can’t remember when I had
such a good time.
That really makes sense. You are so smart.
Amazing—it only took youAmazing—you are so efficient.
twenty minutes to do this.
Wow, this is so impressive. Wow, you are so impressive.
This is a great job. You have done a great job.
I would never have thought toYou are so brilliant.
do that.
You sure know how to pick
great movies.

Going to this movie was a
great decision, or I am really
glad we went to this movie.

When a woman compliments a man in the indirect manner
as suggested in the above table, it encourages him to continue
pursuing her, it makes him feel more confident in his ability
to win her over, and it makes him feel more successful and
thus more interested in her. If she is not being direct in her
compliments, she continues to leave a distance between them
that he can cross in his pursuit of her.
When a man compliments a woman in a more direct manner
as suggested, it reassures her that she is being cherished and
respected. It connects her more directly to herself and how she
feels about the man, and it directly softens her and opens her
up to feeling more receptive and responsive. As she

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