Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

  1. These are such nice flowers; I love them.

  2. These flowers are very nice; I love them so much.

  3. These flowers are really so nice; I love them.

  4. Flowers are so nice; I really love them.

  5. These flowers are such a nice gift; I love them very much.

  6. These flowers are really nice.


A woman particularly appreciates a compliment when it fo-
cuses on something she put a lot of herself into. Take
sunglasses, for example. A woman generally puts a lot of en-
ergy into picking the right glasses for herself. If a man notices
those glasses and sincerely likes them or thinks they look good
on her, then he will score big by complimenting her on her
choice of sunglasses.
By complimenting something special in this way, he makes
her feel more special. However, not all personal compliments
are appropriate. Women can appreciate personal compliments
as long as they are G-rated. As you begin to advance through
the different stages of dating, they can become more personal.
Personal compliments go over big on Venus, but still they
need to be done in a friendly, casual tone with no heavy feel-
ings, expectations, or strings attached. They are best given in
the same casual tone and manner as one would say, “It was
such a great day today” or “I’m sure glad it didn’t rain again”
or “I’m so glad the elections are over. I get so tired of watching
political advertisements.”

210 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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