Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
“You are really smart. How did you know that?” or, “Where
did (or do) you go to school?”
“I really like your sunglasses. You have a lot of style. Where
did you get them?”
“You look so healthy and radiant. How much do you work
“I really like your earrings. Where did you get them?”
“I really like your shoes; they match your belt perfectly. Are
they comfortable?”
“You have a great suntan. Where did you get it?”

In each of these compliments, by finishing it with a question
a man gives the clear message that he continues to be attracted
to her. Her responsiveness to his compliments and questions
then fuels his ability to pursue her. When a man combines
compliments with questions, a woman gets the reassurance
she needs to continue to open up. By acknowledging a man’s
competence and ability to make her happy, she gives him the
confidence to continue pursuing her.
With this deeper understanding of how to express our attrac-
tion to the opposite sex, we can relate and respond to our
partners in a way that brings out the best in them. As a result,
the whole dating process can become much more enjoyable.
When frustration, disappointment, worry, and embarrassment
on a date are minimized, then we are able to experience and
assess more accurately the potential of a relationship. Through
a series of positive dating experiences, a solid foundation is
created to help us recognize when a dating partner is someone

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