Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

quiet moment she begins asking questions. Why do we have
to talk all the time anyway? I am fine just being together,
watching a movie together, driving somewhere together,
listening to music, or doing anything together. I don’t have to
talk all the time. I thought she wanted me to talk. Isn’t that
what women are always saying, Men don’t talk enough; they
don’t communicate’?”
These two issues, like so many of the issues we will explore
together, can finally be resolved by first understanding how
men and women approach dating and relationships. With this
new perspective, suddenly we have the information and insight
necessary to begin finding the answers to the questions that
come up while dating. To understand each other better, let’s
once again pretend that men are from Mars and women are
from Venus. Let’s go back in time and observe life on Mars
and Venus before we came together on Earth.


Martians are primarily work-oriented. They value themselves
on the basis of their ability to achieve results and success at
work. Every Martian instinctively knows that his success is
based on three things: his competence, his ability to let others
know how competent he is, and the opportunity to serve.
Everything in his life is geared toward becoming more effective,
letting others know how competent he is, and then being of
service. Mars is covered with billboards advertising a host of
facts and figures describing what Martians can do, promise to
do, and have done. Martians are definitely into advertising
and marketing.

A man’s life is geared toward becoming more
effective, letting others know how competent
he is, and then being of service.

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