Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

When a guy does all the talking, he thinks he is doing all the
work and doesn’t even consider in his wildest dreams that she
has been waiting for him to demonstrate his interest in her.
While this may seem to some men like much ado about noth-
ing, asking questions and listening are the bottom line of how
to get to a woman’s heart. Making this tiny adjustment can
make a world of difference for any man wanting to win a wo-
man over.


Women commonly ask me what they can do if a man just talks
about himself. The answer here is very simple, but most women
would never think to do it because on Venus what I am going
to suggest would be very rude...but sometimes when you are
with a Martian it’s fine to do as the Martians do and just inter-

When a man talks too much, do as the
Martians do and just interrupt.

What a woman can do to stop a man from talking so much
is to simply stop asking questions and join in the conversation.
She should not wait for him to ask questions or wait to be in-
vited; instead, she should just listen for a few moments or
minutes and then start in.
While this sounds easy, to make this shift can be very diffi-
cult for some women. There are four basic reasons a woman
asks so many questions instead of just joining in the conversa-
tion: she believes it is polite, she believes it will make him more
interested in her, it feels better if he asks, and she has tried in-
terrupting and it didn’t work. Let’s explore each of these beliefs
in greater detail.

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