Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

doesn’t call; if he is not sure, he doesn’t call; and if he wants
to end it, he doesn’t call. No wonder dating can be so frustrat-
ing and disappointing.
Another reason a man generally won’t call is that he doesn’t
want to burn any bridges. He incorrectly imagines that by not
calling and officially rejecting her, if he changes his mind in
the future she will be receptive to his asking her out. When a
man is uncertain, his approach may be to do nothing and say
nothing that could be used against him. His experience is that
women remember everything. What he doesn’t realize is that
they also remember when he doesn’t call.

Some men postpone calling because they are not
sure and they don’t want to burn any bridges.

Sometimes when a man is not sure he will just postpone. He
likes to think things over a lot before he gets involved. He
doesn’t want to lead a woman on or disappoint her. The irony
here is that not calling sometimes has the effect of stringing
her along and upsetting her much more. Just a call to acknow-
ledge her existence would make a world of difference.
Sometimes a man knows clearly that he doesn’t want to date
a woman again, but he doesn’t want to face having to reject
her or hurt her. Men like to please women, not disappoint
them. Most men just don’t know how to call and say, “I had a
good time; thanks and good luck.” For a man it seems really
awkward to say, “Have a good life,” or “I don’t think I will
want to take you out again.” Particularly when she asks,

For a man it seems really awkward to call
back just to say, “Have a good life!”

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