Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

In stage three, when you have been in an exclusive relation-
ship, it is definitely not acceptable. A breakup needs to be
direct. No matter how painful or difficult, she needs the oppor-
tunity to react and be heard. She deserves it and will appreciate
being heard.


Even when a man is motivated to call back, he doesn’t because
he just doesn’t know what to say. Whether you are not sure
you are interested or you are definitely not interested, these
are some polite ways to say the truth and be positive.

  1. Time Will Tell

“It was really nice meeting you. I had a good time with you
at the party. I’ll see you around.”
This lets her know that you are not interested in pursuing
her at this time, but that you are not burning any bridges either.

  1. Good Luck

“Thanks so much for going out with me. It was a pleasure
to meet you. I had a nice time. Good luck and I hope you do
well at school (or with that project, etc.).”
This is a graceful and considerate way of letting her know
that you will not be pursuing the relationship, without having
to mention the relationship word. Men just don’t feel comfort-
able saying, “I am not going to pursue this relationship.” This
approach also does not prevent you from calling her up again
if you want to date her again.
Instead of saying “Have a good life,” it is good to personalize
your statement, wishing her good luck with something

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