Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

be dating a lot. I hope you don’t mind if I call sometime in a
few months. This really isn’t the right time for me.”
This is particularly useful when you are trying to figure out
if you want to have an exclusive relationship with someone.
Once you think you might want an exclusive relationship, it
is important to start one and see if you like it. It is hard to de-
cide if you definitely want to be exclusive with one woman
while you are continuing to see other women.

Once you think you want an exclusive
relationship, it is important to start one
and see if you like it.

  1. Not Available

“I had a really good time with you. But I realized that I am
not really available right now. I need to take some time for
myself. So I won’t be calling for a while.”
There is nothing wrong with realizing that you are not into
dating. If this is the case, make sure you let her know; otherwise
she will wonder what went wrong.

  1. Ready to Move On

“I really liked spending time with you, but I think I am ready
to move on. I wanted to let you know it was nothing you said
or did. I just realized I needed a change. Thanks and I hope
you find the right guy for you.”
Sometimes we are not ready for an exclusive relationship.
At a certain point, if we are not ready, then no matter how
good a relationship is we may need to move on. If this is the
case, it is important to let her know.

248 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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