Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

  1. Wrong Timing

“I really enjoyed being with you. I don’t think the timing is
right. You are in the process of ending a relationship. I’ll give
you a call in a few months. I hope things work out for you.”
Or, “Thanks for a wonderful time. I realized that I am still
in the process of ending my last relationship and it wouldn’t
be fair to you. Maybe I’ll call in a few months when things get
resolved with my last relationship.”
Rebound relationships are fine as long as you and your
partner are not expecting an exclusive relationship. Keep in
mind that when people have just ended a relationship, to a
certain extent they are empty and seeking to be filled up. Their
discernment is generally at an all-time low. Thirsty or hungry
people are generally not very picky about what they eat, but
once they are well fed, it is time to be picky again.

  1. Not Sure

“I had a great time the other night. I wanted you to know
I’m not sure if I want a relationship right now. So I probably
will not be calling for a while.”
When you are in stage two and you are uncertain about a
woman, it is considerate and good manners just to let her know
what is happening. It is okay to be uncertain, but it is not okay
just to ignore her and go on as if she didn’t exist.
If she starts asking you a lot of questions—“How do you
feel about me?” “Is there someone else?” “Did I do something?”
“Is there a problem?”—you don’t have to talk a lot. Instead,
answer her questions with questions. Get her to talk and then
listen. Listening to her feelings will actually help you move
through the stage of uncertainty more quickly.

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