Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
Five Questions Not to Ask a Man After a First Date

Are you seeing anyone else?

This implies that he should not be seeing anyone else. In the
attraction stage of a relationship, it is perfectly fine to be seeing
others. If he is seeing someone and he has to lie, this will def-
initely prevent him from eventually finding true feelings for
you. It is inappropriate in stage one to feel pressured to see
only one person.

Do you want to spend more time with me?

This is too pushy. It makes him feel as if you are too needy
and demanding. Already he feels sucked into a relationship,
and he is not necessarily ready for that. Remember, this is stage
one. In stage three, we naturally begin to think about commit-
ment and a possible future together.

Did you have a good time? Do you like me? (Both imply: Would
you like to get together again?)

This weakens a woman’s position. It implies that you feel
insecure and hope that you have pleased him. There is also a
feeling of obligation implied; that is, if you have pleased him,
then he should please you. A man needs to feel clearly that he
is not obligated in any way to pursue the relationship. There
are no strings attached in stage one.

How much time do you have available for a relationship? (or, Are
you busy this week? or, What are you going to do next weekend?)

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