Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
“That show was so great. I got the CD. It was so dramatic.
My favorite song...”
“I had so much fun at the fair. I can’t believe I had never
been before. I told my sister about that giant Ferris wheel...”
“That soup we had was really fantastic. I can’t figure out
what they put in it. I think it was baked eggplant and gar-
“I love Chinese food. I’m so glad you picked Jennie Low’s.
I felt so good afterward...”
“Thanks for building those shelves in my garage. They look
so great. I put all my old albums out there...”
“I am so glad you decided to stop and get a dessert. It was
so good...”
“I remembered today what you said last night and realized
that it made a lot of sense. I think I am going to...”
“I had such a good time last night.”

The direct way to a man’s heart is through complimenting
and appreciating the things he provided. When a man experi-
ences a positive response to the things he does or provides for
her, he is more inclined to feel attracted. This is how a man’s
affection for a woman grows.

  1. Talk About What Happened, Not About Him

“I really liked the movie we saw. It was great...” (and then
talk about what you liked about the movie).

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