Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

She also wanted to be physically affectionate but just didn’t
want to go all the way. As long as he was respectful of that she
was fine. They were having a great time in their relationship
and they were falling more deeply in love.
David again asked her if she would make love with him.
Suzanne said she was not ready. She also didn’t like his
bringing it up while they were being sexual. He said, “If I don’t
ask, then how will I know when you are ready?” She said,
“Let’s just do this for the next month and then we’ll talk about
it again.”
This continued for three months and then David proposed.
They were engaged for about three months and then they got
married. While they were engaged, David got to third base,
but they waited till their marriage night to go all the way.
David said it was really hard to wait, but it sure made him re-
spect Suzanne. Their wedding night was very special—defin-
itely a night to remember. Now they have been married for
several years and they still have a very loving and passionate
sex life.
Suzanne was able to maintain being receptive to David while
also saying no to what she wasn’t ready for. By gracefully
standing up for what felt right to her, she remained most at-
tractive to him. She just needed to feel free to be physically
affectionate without having to go any further than she wanted.

When a Woman Gives Too Much

When a woman gives more in the relationship, she is no
longer receptive to what a man has to offer; instead, she begins
to expect more from the man. This makes her very unattractive.
Let’s look at another example:

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