just can’t bear the line, at least go to openings and popular
events to walk up and down the line as if you are looking
for someone.
- If you bring a bag lunch to work, try eating out sometimes.
- If you don’t take breaks at work, take one for tea or cof-
fee—you may meet someone new.
- If you eat out a lot, spend a lot of time in your local market.
Your soul mate may just love to make dinners.
- If you prefer heath foods, your soul mate may be waiting
for you to inspire him or her. Try eating at fast food restaur-
ants sometimes.
- If you generally like very formal and fancy entertainment
and food, try going out with friends to a more simple, re-
laxed, and less expensive establishment.
- If a woman always wears a lot of makeup or jewelry, she
should try wearing less and sometimes none. Her soul mate
will love her just the way she is, and it may take some time
for him to also like her in makeup.
- If a woman always dresses in a sexy manner and attracts
the attention of many men, she should try dressing in a less
provocative manner and attract the attention of more discern-
ing guys who are also interested in getting to know her.