Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

4 Stage Two: Uncertainty

When someone is more special to us than others, we
automatically move into stage two, uncertainty. When we begin
to feel that we would really like to get to know someone and
have an exclusive relationship, it is quite natural suddenly to
shift and not feel so sure. For some that shift is like an earth-
quake and for others it is a mild tremor. Sometimes the size of
the shift or the suddenness with which it occurs is a signal that
this person has good potential.
We could actually be dating our soul mate, but in stage two
of dating we may not know it. Whether the person is wrong
or right, in stage two the experience is uncertainty. Unfortu-
nately, many singles do not recognize this as a necessary stage
and mistakenly assume that if they are not certain, this must
not be the right person for them. They think that if they have
found the right person, the gates of heaven should open and
bells should ring.

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