Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

that fuels a woman’s attraction for him. If a man relaxes too
much, a woman will not get the fuel she needs to continue re-
sponding to him the way she did.
A man needs to remember that even though they are exclus-
ive, the pursuit is not over. Without an understanding of the
stages ahead, he also begins to run out of fuel. By clearly
keeping his goal in mind, he will find the energy and intention
necessary to do his best.
This effort is similar to his lifting weights or going the extra
mile to make a project at work successful. By putting forth the
effort, he will bring out the best in a woman. Her warm and
friendly responses will give him the fuel to keep going.


On Mars, they instinctively try to be efficient. Their motto is,
Never do anything you don’t have to do. If someone else will
do it, then relax. Save your energy for the emergency. Put off
what doesn’t have to be done so that you can do what has to
be done. Get from point A to point B as quickly as possible.
Do less and accomplish more. Invest your resources so that
you will not have to work later. These are all Martian tenden-
Why is it that men tend to wait till the last minute to do just
about anything? It is because they feel that if they wait long
enough, quite often either the problem goes away or someone
else solves it for them. If that doesn’t occur, then the problem
becomes necessary to solve, and so the man dedicates the time
and energy to do it.
To make sure they don’t waste energy, men automatically
prioritize. Unless something gets to the top of the list, it just
doesn’t get done. They wait to dedicate their energy to some-
thing until they clearly know that it is necessary. Men do what
they believe is required of them. The problem is that

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