Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

500 works cited

——— 1994: Xi Mi ༮ᆚ,LJ⅏ѵ: ໻䰚Ϣৄ⑒ഄऎ䖥ᳳ䆫԰ⱘ݅ৠЏ乬Lj[Death:
A Common Theme in Recent Poetry from Mainland China and the Taiwan
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——— 1995: “Death of the Poet: Poetry and Society in Contemporary China and
Taiwan,” in Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang & Yeh (eds), Contemporary Chinese Literature:
Crossing the Boundaries, a special issue of Literature East & West: 43-62 (reprinted with
minor revisions in Chi & Wang 2000: 216-238)
——— 1996a: “The ‘Cult of Poetry’ in Contemporary China,” in Journal of Asian
Studies 55-1: 51-80 (reprinted in Zhang Yingjin 1998: 188-217)
——— 1996b: Xi Mi ༮ᆚ,LJ࣫ዊ: ៥೼䁲㿔Ёⓖ⌕Lj[Bei Dao: I Drift in Language],
inlj㞾⬅ᰖฅNJ, 10-11 October 1996
——— 1998a: Xi Mi ༮ᆚ,LJ䆫Ϣ៣࠻ⱘѦࡼ: Ѣമlj 0 ḷḜNJ᥶ᖂLj[Exploring In-
ter actions of Poem and Play: Yu Jian’s «File 0 »], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1998-3: 102-114
——— 1998b: “International Theory and the Transnational Critic: China in the
Age of Multiculturalism,” in boundary 2 25-3: 193-222 (reprinted in Chow 2000:
——— 2000a: “Chinese Postmodernism and the Cultural Politics of Modern Chinese
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and Interpretations of the 1990s, Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University
of California at Berkeley: 100-127
——— 2000b: “From Surrealism to Nature Poetics: A Study of Prose Poetry from
Taiwan,” in Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 3-2: 117-156
——— 2001: “Frontier Taiwan: An Introduction,” in Yeh & N G D Malmqvist (eds),
Frontier Taiwan: An Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry, New York: Columbia UP:
——— 2003: “Misty Poetry,” in Mostow et al 2003: 520-526
——— 2005: “The Poet as Mad Genius: Between Stereotype and Archetype,” in
Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 6-2/7-1: 119-144
——— 2007a: “Anxiety and Liberation: Notes on the Recent Chinese Poetry Scene,”
in World Literature Today 81-5: 28-35
——— 2007b: “‘There Are No Camels in the Koran’: What Is Modern about Modern
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Yemen г䮼. 2001:LJϔഫᦤ䝦ુ⊷ⱘ᠟Ꮹ: ⥟ᆊᮄᡍ߸Lj[A Handkerchief for
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(pseudonym of Yi Sha)
Yi Sha Ӟ≭. 1994:lj体⅏䆫ҎNJ[Starve the Poets], ࣫Ҁ: Ё೑ढռ
——— 1999a:lj៥㒜Ѣ⧚㾷њԴⱘᢦ㒱NJ[I Finally Understand Your Refusal], 㽓
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——— 2001a:LJ⦄എⳈߏ: 2000 ᑈЁ೑ᮄ䆫݇䬂䆡Lj[On-the-Spot Direct Attack:
Keywords for the Year 2000 in China’s New Poetry], inlj㡭㪝NJ2001-2:
——— 2001b:LJ៥᠔⧚㾷ⱘϟञ䑿੠៥Lj[The Lower Body as I Understand It and
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——— 2003:ljӞ≭䆫䗝NJ[Selected Poems by Yi Sha], 㽓ᅕ: 䴦⍋Ҏ⇥
——— et al. 2000: Yi Sha, Xu Jiang & Qin Bazi Ӟ≭ǃᕤ∳ǃ馬Ꮘᄤ,ljᯊᇮᴔ
᠟: ϝࠥᅶᣥ៬ᯊᇮNJ[Assassins of Fashion: Three Musketeers Challenging
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——— et al. 2001: Yi Sha, Zhang Hong, Xu Jiang, Qin Bazi & Shen Haobo Ӟ≭ǃ

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