Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Model Marriage

(i) You don’t need to wash every time after sex.

All the above make the sex art a less laborious event.

The Man

  1. Things not to do

Do not make scathing remarks about your wife’s body, for instance
comments like: “Your stomach is too big.”

But speaking the truth in love...

Ephesians 4:15

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife
loveth himself.

Ephesians 5:28

  1. Things to do

(a) Be nice to your wife during the day, and speak lovingly to her. For
example, a phone call makes her feel that you are thinking about her.^3
(b) Take a bath often, especially at the end of a hard day’s work.
(c) Do not be in a hurry to have sex. Take time to stimulate your wife by
kissing and caressing her.^4

It is recommended that couples have sex at least everyday or every other day.


  1. Larry Christenson, The Christian Family(Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House,
    1970), 23.

  2. Phil Downer et. al, Optimize Your Marriage (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Grhistian
    Publications Inc., 2003), 149 - 51.

  3. James Dobson, What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew about Women(Wheaton, Illinois:
    Tyndale House Publishers, 1982), 114 - 26.

  4. Nancy Van Pelt, Highly Effective Marriage(Accra, Ghana: Advent Press, 2000), 194 -

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