
(Frankie) #1

So adding this to the (easier) part above, we have

E(1)n =
2 mc


mj ̄h±
mj ̄h
2 ℓ+ 1



e ̄hB
2 mc



1 ±


2 ℓ+ 1



In summary then, we rewrite the fine structure shift.




mc^2 (Zα)^4







4 n


To this we add the anomalous Zeeman effect


e ̄hB
2 mc



1 ±


2 ℓ+ 1


23.5 Homework Problems

  1. Consider the fine structure of then= 2 states of the hydrogen atom. What is the spectrum
    in the absence of a magnetic field? How is the spectrum changed whenthe atom is placed in a
    magnetic field of 25,000 gauss? Give numerical values for the energyshifts in each of the above
    cases. Now, try to estimate the binding energy for the lowest energyn= 2 state including the
    relativistic, spin-orbit, and magnetic field.

  2. Verify the relations used for^1 r,r^12 , andr^13 for hydrogen atom states up ton= 3 and for any

  3. Calculate the fine structure of hydrogen atoms for spin 1 electrons forn= 1 andn= 2.
    Compute the energy shifts in eV.

23.6 Sample Test Problems

  1. The relativistic correction to the Hydrogen Hamiltonian is H 1 = − p

8 m^3 c^2. Assume that
electrons have spin zero and that there is therefore no spin orbit correction. Calculate the
energy shifts and draw an energy diagram for the n=3 states of Hydrogen. You may use

〈ψnlm|^1 r|ψnlm〉=n (^21) a 0 and〈ψnlm|r^12 |ψnlm〉=n (^3) a 21
0 (l+^12 )


  1. Calculate the fine structure energy shifts (in eV!) for then= 1,n= 2, andn= 3 states
    of Hydrogen. Include the effects of relativistic corrections, the spin-orbit interaction, and the
    so-called Darwin term (due to Dirac equation). Do not include hyperfine splitting or the effects
    of an external magnetic field. (Note: I am not asking you to derive the equations.) Clearly list
    the states in spectroscopic notation and make a diagram showing the allowed electric dipole
    decays of these states.

  2. Calculate and show the splitting of then= 3 states (as in the previous problem) in a weak
    magnetic field B. Draw a diagram showing the states before and after the field is applied

  3. If the general form of the spin-orbit coupling for a particle of massmand spinS~moving in a
    potentialV(r) isHSO= 2 m^12 c 2 L~·S~^1 rdVdr, what is the effect of that coupling on the spectrum of

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