Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

moving (continued)
program window, 750
shapes, 471, 931
slides, 384
tables, 152-153
text, 401
text boxes, 394, 397
worksheet columns, 261
Multilevel List button (Word), 131
multi-line text boxes, 393
multiple criteria in functions, 299

Name box, creating ranges with, 283, 285
Name Manager dialog box (Excel), 284-285
named ranges. See ranges
databases, 791
documents, 43
fields, 809-810
OneNote pages/sections, 554-555
narration in slides, turning off, 490
national holidays, adding to calendar, 686
documents, 71
e-mail messages, 609
forms, 825, 827-828
Help window, xxviii, xxxvi
OneNote, 534
OneNote page tabs, 518
publications, 878
records, 765
reports, 780
tables, 152, 797, 799
Navigation Bar (OneNote), 517
collapsing, 517
default location of, 526
expanding, 517, 527
Navigation button (OneNote), 510
Navigation task pane, 77, 751, 753, 793. See also
finding text
displaying, 50, 752
editing while open, 74
filtering, 753
opening, 763, 793
Search tab, displaying, 73
navigation toolbar, 509-510
New (Blank) Record button, 825
New Column dialog box, 666
New Contact button, 649
New E-mail button, 605, 615
New Folder button (Word), 40, 43
New Formatting Rule dialog box (Excel), 333, 335

New icon, 797
New Items button, 605, 717
New Meeting button, 694
New Name dialog box (Excel), 282, 286
New page (Publisher), 871
New Page arrow (OneNote), 555, 559
New Page button (OneNote), 557
New page (OneNote Backstage view), 522, 541
New Side Note button (OneNote), 591
New Slide button (PowerPoint), 372-373, 375
New Slide gallery (PowerPoint), 371, 373
New Table Quick Style dialog box (Excel), 322, 323
New Task button, 716, 725
Next button (PowerPoint), 625
Next Page button, 47, 50, 56
Next Page button (OneNote), 534
Next Page button (Print Page), 493
Next Record button, , 765, 770
Next Slide button (PowerPoint), 497, 625
noncontiguous cells, adding to formulas, 290
nonprinting characters
displaying, 53
keyboard shortcut for, 68
section break indicator, 214, 216
showing/hiding, 56, 68, 149
nonstandard color schemes, 444
Normal button (PowerPoint), 382, 498
Normal view
creating slide sections in, 384
in PowerPoint, 53
Normal View button (OneNote), 533
normalization, 804
note containers (OneNote), 564
automatic creation of, 572
contents of, 564
inserting, 564
modifying, 564-565
object selectors for, 564
notebook headers, 518
notebooks (OneNote), 516. See also pages
(OneNote); sections (OneNote)
appearance of, 517
authors, 548
backgrounds, changing, 571
backup copies, opening, 522
closing, 518
collaboration on, 543
collapsing, 528
creating, 522, 540-542, 547
e-mailing link to, 546
entering text in, 565
green check mark icon, 550
hierarchy, displaying, 517
images, inserting, 568
local, creating, 541

1008 Multilevel List button (Word)

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