Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
location of, 5
Main Tabs, 246
minimizing, 8, 59, 751
moving commands on, 28
in OneNote, 519
overview of, xiii, xxi, 3, 750
resetting, 31, 245
restoring, 249
tabs, 6, 246-247, 252, 750
tabs, removing, 27-28
Tool Tabs, 246
ribbon tabs, 6
adding groups to, 247
changing groups on, 247
changing order of, 246, 252
customizing, 247, 252
hiding, 246
removing, 27-28
removing groups from, 247
Rich Text Format (RTF)
defined, 603
outlines, importing, 374
saving presentations as, 380
right indent, 120, 126
right-aligning labels, 838
right-aligning text, 121-122
Right Tab button (Word), 149
ripple slide transition, 479
Room Finder, 693
Rotate button (PowerPoint), 473
Rotate button (Publisher), 900, 933
rotating effect in slide transitions, 480
rotating graphics, 920
rotating shapes, 470, 473, 931, 933
rotating text, 394, 397
rotating text boxes, 900
row headings, 261
Row Height dialog box, 806
rows, Excel table
adding and removing, 276
creating, 275
rows, form, 840
rows, Word table
deleting, 153
inserting, 153
resizing, 153
setting properties of, 159
rows, worksheet
changing height, 237
changing multiple, 237
copying, 261
deleting, 238
filtering. See filters
formatting, 312

hidden, and SUM and AVERAGE functions, 355
hidden, in AGGREGATE function, 358
hiding, 238
inserting, 237, 239
labels, as range names, 283
labels, hiding, 249
random, selecting, 354
selecting, 261
unhiding, 238
RTF (Rich Text Format) files. See Rich Text
Format (RTF)
rule lines (OneNote), 571
Ruler check box, 450
rulers and gridlines
displaying, 53, 120
hiding, 56
markers on, 120
setting tab stops with, 121
conditional formatting, 332-338
filter, defining, 350
rules, validation
creating, 361
entry messages with, 363, 364
error messages with, 363, 364
and existing data, 362
overview of, 361
requiring numeric values, 362
setting for multiple cells, 362
specifying minimum and maximum, 364
specifying whole numbers, 364
turning off, 363
validation circles, 362, 366
violations, displaying, 362, 366
Run button, 776
Run Design Checker button (Publisher), 890
Access 2010, 748, 752
Excel 2010, 4, 227, 229
OneNote 2010, 4, 526
PowerPoint 2010, 4
programs, 4
Word 2010, 4, 10
running heads, xix
running queries, 773, 775-776

sample data, creating with RANDBETWEEN
function, 354
sample templates, 39
Save As command, 41, 229, 231

Save As command 1017

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