Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

  1. To the right of the Spacing option, in the By box, select 0.25 pt, type 10 pt (the pt
    stands for points), and click OK. Then press Home to release the selection.
    The manually formatted text appears in small capital letters with the spacing
    between the characters expanded by 10 points.

You can expand and contract the spacing between letters to create different effects.

  1. Select Employee Orientation again. In the Font group, click the Font Color arrow,
    and then under Theme Colors in the palette, click the box at the right end of the
    top row (Lime, Accent 6).
    The selected words are now lime green.
    Tip To apply the Font Color button’s current color, you can simply click the button (not
    its arrow). If you want to apply a color that is not shown under Theme Colors or Standard
    Colors, click More Colors at the bottom of the palette, and in the Colors dialog box, click
    the color you want in the color wheel.

  2. In the first bullet point, select the phrase concept of service. Then in the Font
    group, click the Text Highlight Color arrow, and click the Turquoise box in the
    top row.
    The selected phrase is now highlighted in turquoise, and the Text Highlight Color
    button shows turquoise as its active color.
    Tip If you click the Text Color Highlight button without first making a selection, the
    shape of the mouse pointer changes to a highlighter that you can drag across text. Click
    the button again, or press Esc, to turn off the highlighter.

  3. In the fifth bullet point, double-click the word brainstorming. Then hold down the
    Ctrl key while double-clicking planning and leadership.

Manually Changing the Look of Characters 117

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