Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

432 Chapter 15 Format Slides

  1. In the Gradient stops area, drag the middle handle on the slider (Stop 2 of 3) to
    the right until the Position setting is 80%.
    Behind the dialog box, you can see that 80 percent of the slide is now a lighter
    shade, with the gradient to dark occupying only about 20 percent.

  2. Display the Color list, and then under Theme Colors, click the third box in the
    purple column (Purple, Accent 4, Lighter 40%).

  3. Click Close.

PowerPoint applies the shaded background to the current slide only.

The title slide has a two-tone gradient that gives a raised effect.

  1. Click the Background Styles button again, and then click Format Background.

  2. In the Format Background dialog box, click Picture or texture fill.

The active slide shows a live preview of the default texture.

  1. Display the Texture gallery, and then click Purple mesh.

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