Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

438 Chapter 15 Format Slides

● Alignment Click one of the following alignment buttons in the Paragraph group
on the Home tab:
❍ Click the Align Text Left button to align text against the placeholder’s left
edge. Left-alignment is the usual choice for paragraphs.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+L to left-align text.
❍ Click the Center button to align text in the middle of the placeholder. Center-
alignment is often used for titles and headings.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+E to center text.
❍ Click the Align Text Right button to align text against the placeholder’s right
edge. Right-alignment isn’t used much for titles and paragraphs, but you
might want to use it in text boxes.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+R to right-align text.
❍ Click the Justify button to align text against both the left and right edges,
adding space between words to fill the line. You might justify a single, non-
bulleted paragraph on a slide for a neat look.
● Line spacing Click the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group, and make a
● Paragraph spacing Open the Paragraph dialog box, either by clicking the Line
Spacing button and then clicking Line Spacing Options at the bottom of the menu
or by clicking the dialog box launcher in the lower-right corner of the Paragraph
group. You can then adjust the Before and After settings for the entire paragraph.
In addition to changing the look of paragraphs, you can manipulate the look of individ-
ual words by manually applying settings that are collectively called character formatting.
After selecting the characters you want to format, you can make changes by using the
commands in the Font group on the Home tab, as follows:
● Font Override the font specified by the font scheme by making a selection in the
Font box.
● Size Manually control the size of text either by clicking the Increase Font Size or
Decrease Font Size button or by setting a precise size in the Font Size box.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+Shift+> or Ctrl+Shift+< to increase or decrease font size.
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