Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

510 Chapter 17 Review and Deliver Presentations

SET UP You need the SavingWater_start presentation located in your Chapter17
practice file folder to complete this exercise. Open the SavingWater_start presen-
tation, and save it as SavingWater. Then follow the steps.

  1. With slide 1 selected in Normal view, on the View Shortcuts toolbar, click the
    Slide Show button.
    PowerPoint displays the title slide after implementing its applied transition effect.

  2. Click the mouse button to advance to slide 2.

The slide contents ripple onto the screen.

  1. Press the Left Arrow key to move back to the previous slide, and then press the
    Right Arrow key to display the next slide.

  2. Move the mouse.

The pointer appears on the screen, and barely visible in the lower-left corner, the
shadow toolbar appears.
Troubleshooting If the pop-up navigation toolbar doesn’t seem to appear, move the
pointer to the lower-left corner of the screen and move it slowly to the right. The four
toolbar buttons should become visible in turn. If they don’t, press the Esc key to end
the slide show. Then display the Backstage view, and click Options. In the PowerPoint
Options dialog box, click Advanced, and in the Slide Show area, select the Show Popup
Toolbar check box, and click OK.

  1. Move the pointer to the bottom of the screen and to the left until the Next button
    appears. Then click the Next button to display slide 3.

  2. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and then click Previous to redisplay slide 2.

  3. Right-click anywhere on the screen, point to Go to Slide, and then in the list of
    slide names, click 11 Soil Amendment.

  4. Display the toolbar, click the Navigation button, and then click Next to display
    slide 12.

  5. Use various navigation methods to display various slides in the presentation until
    you are comfortable moving around.

  6. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and then click End Show.

The active slide appears in Normal view.
Tip If you click all the way through to the end of the presentation, PowerPoint displays a
black screen to indicate that the next click will return you to the previous view. If you do
not want the black screen to appear at the end of a presentation, display the PowerPoint
Options dialog box, and click Advanced. Then in the Slide Show area, clear the End With
Black Slide check box, and click OK. Then clicking while the last slide is displayed will
return you to the previous view.

  1. Display slide 11 , and switch to Slide Show view.

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