Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Delivering Presentations 509

Delivering Presentations.

To deliver a presentation to an audience, you first click the Slide Show button to display
the slides full screen. Then depending on how you have set up the presentation, you
can either click the mouse button without moving the mouse to display the slides in
sequence, or you can allow PowerPoint to display the slides according to the advance-
ment timings you have set on the Transitions tab.
See Also For information about advancement timings, see “Adding Transitions” in Chapter 16,
“Add Simple Visual Enhancements.”
If you need to move to a slide other than the next one or the previous one, you can
move the mouse pointer to display an inconspicuous navigation toolbar in the lower-left
corner of the slide. You can use this toolbar in the following ways:
● To move to the next slide, click the Next button.
● To move to the previous slide, click the Previous button.
● To jump to a slide out of sequence, click the Navigation button, click Go To Slide,
and then click the slide.
Tip You can also display the Navigation button’s menu by right-clicking the slide.
● To end the presentation, click the Navigation button, and then click End Show.
Keyboard Shortcuts To display a list of keyboard shortcuts for carrying out presenta-
tion tasks, click the Navigation button, and then click Help. For example, you can press
the Spacebar, the Down Arrow key, or the Right Arrow key to move to the next slide;
press the Page Up key or the Left Arrow key to move to the previous slide; and press the
Esc key to end the presentation.
During a presentation, you can reinforce your message by drawing on the slides with an
electronic “pen” or changing the background behind text with a highlighter. You simply click
the Pen button on the toolbar that appears when you move the mouse, click the tool you
want, and then begin drawing or highlighting. The pen color is determined by the setting in
the Set Up Show dialog box, but you can change the pen color during the presentation by
clicking the Pen button, clicking Ink Color, and then selecting the color you want.
In this exercise, you’ll move around in a presentation in various ways while delivering it.
You’ll also use a pen tool to mark up one slide, change the color of the markup, and then
mark up another.
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