Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Exploring OneNote in the Default Notebook 533

  1. Experiment with the docked OneNote window.

You can’t move the docked window by dragging its title bar. You can change the
width of the window by dragging its left edge. When the window width is at its
narrowest, the Quick Access Toolbar and ribbon tabs are not visible.
Tip Other open windows on the screen might resize when you change the width of the
docked OneNote window. Maximizing another window while OneNote is docked resizes
that window to fill the entire screen other than the vertical space taken by the docked
OneNote window. The docked window space is not available to other windows.

  1. In the docked OneNote window, click the collapsed View tab.

Only a subset of the commands previously available from this tab is available in the
docked window.

  1. In the Views group, click the Normal View button.

The program window returns to its normal size.
Tip You can also undock the window by clicking the active Dock To Desktop button on
the Quick Access Toolbar.

  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Full Page View button.

Keyboard Shortcut Press F11 to enable or disable Full Page view.
The Navigation Bar and Page Tabs Bar close entirely, and the content pane fills the
width of the program window. The Pages tab appears on the ribbon.

  1. Double-click the Pages tab to permanently expand it.

The tab contains commands for moving among pages, locating content, and creating,
deleting, or moving notebook pages.
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