Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

554 Chapter 19 Create and Configure Notebooks

Naming Sections and Pages

A new section is named simply New Section, followed by a number to differentiate
it from other new sections you create (New Section 1, New Section 2, and so on). To
change the name of a section, right-click the section tab in the notebook header, click
Rename, enter the section name you want, and then press Enter or click away from the
section tab. A section name can have up to 50 characters.
A new page isn’t named at all. OneNote identifies it as Untitled page. To assign a name
to a page, you enter text in the title box located in the upper-left corner of the page.

Page title box Page Tabs Bar (minimized)

The date and time the page was created appear below the page title box.

You can enter as much text as you want in the title box; after the first eight characters,
the box expands to fit the text. When the text exceeds the maximum for the page width,
it wraps to the next line. You could enter thousands of characters in the title box, but we
recommend that you keep page titles short. Because OneNote processes the title text
each time it displays the page, long titles slow down the program response time, and
you can’t use the program while it is processing the text.
When the Page Tabs Bar is expanded at its default width, the first 21 characters of the
page title appear on the page tab; when it’s collapsed, only the first eight characters
are visible. You can increase the width of the expanded Page Tabs Bar by pointing to
the border between the active page and the tab area and then, when the cursor changes
to a double-headed arrow, dragging the border to the left.
Keyboard Shortcuts Press Ctrl+Shift+[ to increase the width of the Pages Tabs Bar. Press
Ctrl+Shift+] to decrease the width of the Pages Tabs Bar.
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