Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Entering Content Directly onto a Page 565

The contents of an entire page may be stored in one note container or in many note
containers. While you work in OneNote, the frame of the active note container is visible,
but the frames of the other note containers are not. Pointing to the content displays the
note container’s frame, and pointing to an object within the active container displays
the object selector. You can manipulate individual objects within the container by drag-
ging, clicking, or right-clicking the associated object selector.

Entering Content Directly onto a Page

The simplest type of information you will store in a OneNote notebook, and probably
the most common, is text. You can enter text by typing directly on the notebook page
or by pasting it from another source. But you aren’t limited to simple text entry. You can
insert attachments, formatted file contents, images, multimedia objects, and handwrit-
ten notes, all with a minimum amount of effort.
Tip When deciding how much information to include on a notebook page, consider whether
you want to scroll down the page. If you want to see all the information at a glance, limit the
content to about 30 lines of standard text.

Referencing External Files

When conducting research, you might identify an entire file of information—such as a
document, image, or video clip—that you want to include in your notebook. You can
store this information in the following three ways:
● Link to the external file on a local drive, network drive, or Web site by clicking
the Link button in the Links group on the Insert tab, browsing to the file, and
then clicking OK.
● Insert the file as an attachment by clicking the Attach File button in the Files group
on the Insert tab, browsing to the file, and then clicking Insert.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Alt+N+F to attach a document or file to the current page.
● Insert the file’s contents on the page by clicking the File Printout button in the Files
group on the Insert tab, browsing to the file, and then clicking OK.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Alt+N+O to insert the contents of a document or file on the
current page.
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