Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

582 Chapter 20 Create and Organize Notes

  1. Capture the screen clipping you want.
    When you release the Screen Clipping tool, the Select Location In OneNote dialog
    box opens.

You can send a screen clipping to any section of an open notebook, or to the Unfiled Notes

Tip If you’ve selected a screen clipping option on the Send To OneNote page of the
OneNote Options dialog box other than Always Ask Where To Send, the dialog box will
not appear; instead, the option you selected will be invoked.

  1. In the Select Location In OneNote dialog box, click the section to which you want
    to send the screen clipping, and then click Send To Selected Location. If the note-
    book to which you want to send the screen clipping is not open, click the Unfiled
    Notes section.
    See Also For more information about the Unfiled Notes section, see “Exploring
    OneNote in the Default Notebook” in Chapter 18, “Explore OneNote 2010.”

  2. Display OneNote.
    The selected section is active. The screen clipping appears on a new page in the

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