Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

622 Chapter 21 Send and Receive E-Mail Messages

In this exercise, you’ll preview and open a message and two types of attachments.

SET UP You need the SBS First Draft message you created earlier in this chapter to
complete this exercise. If you did not create that message, you can do so now, or you
can substitute any received message with an attachment in your Inbox. Display
your Inbox, and then follow the steps.

  1. On the View tab, in the Current View group, click the Change View button, and
    then click Preview.
    Troubleshooting If the Preview icon on the Change View menu is shaded, this feature is
    already turned on.
    The Reading Pane closes, and the first 255 characters of each message appear in
    the Inbox below the message header.

Preview view displays the first 255 characters of each unread message.

  1. On the View tab, in the Change View list, click Single.

The preview text disappears, and the Reading Pane reopens.
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