Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

624 Chapter 21 Send and Receive E-Mail Messages

  1. Click the Brochure.docx attachment once.

The Attachments contextual tab appears on the ribbon, and the fully formatted
Word 2010 document appears in the Reading Pane.

The message header changes to display properties of the attached file.

You can scroll through the entire document within this pane, without starting Word.
Tip Clicking certain types of attachments displays an interim warning message in the
Reading Pane, rather than immediately displaying the attached file’s content. After
reading the message, you can click Preview File to display the usual file preview.

You can give Outlook permission to display previews of a specific type of file by
clearing the Always Warn Before Previewing This Type Of File check box before
clicking Preview File.

  1. Click the StrategySession.pptx attachment.

Word starts the PowerPoint previewer and displays the title slide of the presentation
in the Reading Pane. You can move among the presentation’s slides by clicking the
Previous Slide and Next Slide buttons in the lower-right corner of the pane.
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