Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Responding to Messages 635

Message replies include the original message header and text, preceded by a space
in which you can respond. Replies do not include any attachments from the original
You can add, change, and delete recipients from any reply before sending it.
You can forward a received message to any e-mail address (regardless of whether the
recipient uses Outlook) provided the message was not sent with restricted permissions.
Outlook 2010 has the following message-forwarding options:
● Forward Creates a new message that contains the text of the original message
and retains any attachments from the original message.
● Forward As Attachment Creates a blank message that contains no text but
includes the original message as an attachment. The original message text and
any attachments are available to the new recipient when he or she opens the
attached message.
● Forward As Text Message Creates a text message to be sent by an SMS text
messaging account to a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or a Windows
Troubleshooting The Forward As Text Message response option works only if you have
access to an SMS account.
Forwarded messages include the original message header and text, preceded by a space
in which you can add information. Forwarded messages include attachments from the
original message.
When you forward a message, Outlook does not fill in the recipient boxes for you
(the assumption being that you want to forward the message to someone who wasn’t
included on the original message).
If you reply to or forward a received message from within the message window, the
original message remains open after you send your response. You can instruct Outlook
to close original messages after you respond to them—you’ll probably be finished
working with the message at that point. To do so, display the Mail page of the Outlook
Options dialog box, select the Close Original Message Window When Replying Or
Forwarding check box in the Replies And Forwards area, and then click OK.
Tip When responding to an e-mail message, take care to use good e-mail etiquette. For
example, if your response is not pertinent to all the original recipients of a message, don’t
reply to the entire recipient list, especially if the message was addressed to a distribution
list that might include hundreds of members.
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