Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

656 Chapter 22 Store and Access Contact Information

Conforming to Address Standards
When you finish entering information in the Addresses area, Outlook verifies that
the address conforms to a standard pattern. If Outlook detects irregularities in the
address you enter, the Check Address dialog box opens, prompting you to enter
the street address, city, state or province, postal code, and country in separate
fields from which it reassembles the address.

The Check Address dialog box validates the address against standard patterns.
The intention of this feature is to verify that you have the information necessary
to send mail to the contact. If you determine that the information in the Check
Address dialog box is correct, you can click Cancel to close the dialog box with-
out making changes.

Communicating with Contacts

Saving contact information for people in a physical or electronic address book is useful
because it centralizes the information in one place so that you no longer have to remember
the information or where to find it. The added benefit of saving contact information in
an Outlook address book is that it makes the process of initiating communication with a
contact much more efficient.
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