Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Displaying Different Views of Contact Records 661

You can search and filter your contact records in any view by using the Instant Search
feature. You can sort contact records by any displayed column in a list view by clicking
the column header.
You can change the fields displayed in each view; the way records are grouped, sorted,
and filtered; the display font; the size of business cards; and other settings to suit your
preferences. You can personalize a view from the Advanced View Settings dialog box,
which you open by clicking View Settings in the Current View group on the View tab.

The options available in the Advanced View Settings dialog box vary depending on the currently
displayed view.

In this exercise, you’ll look at different views of contact records within the Contacts pane,
add and remove columns in a list view, and reset a customized view.

SET UP This exercise uses the Nancy Anderson, Andrew Davis, Sara Davis, Andrea
Dunker, and Idan Rubin contact records you created in the exercise “Saving and
Updating Contact Information,” earlier in this chapter. If you didn’t complete that
exercise, you can do so at this time or use contact records of your own. Display the
Contacts module, and then follow the steps.

  1. On the Home tab, in the Current View gallery, click the Business Card button if
    that view isn’t already selected.
    In Outlook 2010, this default Contacts module view displays standard business
    cards for each contact, as well as any personalized business cards you have
    saved. The cards are organized by File As name, which by default is alphabetically
    by last name.

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